Vicharak Linux Start Guide

Vicharak provides multiple Linux distributions for Axon SBC such as Debian, Ubuntu, etc. This guide will help you get started with Vicharak Linux systems.

System Management

Set Host Name and Password

  • Default account details (if installed from the official website):

    • Username: vicharak

    • Password: 12345

Vicharak Configuration Tool

  • vicharak-config tool:

    • Written using shell scripts

    • Allows configuration and setup of the Linux system

    • Provides a TUI interface

    • Supported on Debian-based systems (Debian buster/bullseye, Ubuntu focal/jammy, Armbian)

  • Usage:

    • Run sudo vicharak-config to start the tool

Tip: Refer to Vicharak config tool guide for more detailed information.

Set Up Automatic Wi-Fi Connection on Boot

  • For the wlan0 interface (useful for headless systems):

    1. Edit the /userdata/before.txt file

    2. Add the following lines:

      connect-wi-fi <network name> <password>


      connect-wi-fi my-wifi-network my-wifi-password
    3. Reboot the system.


UART Serial Console

Note: Windows users refer to Getting Started with Axon UART Serial Console.


Hardware Setup

  1. Connect the USB to UART serial cable or adapter to your computer.

  2. Connect the serial cable or adapter to the Axon SBC.

Serial FTDI Pin

Header GPIO Pin

Schematic Name


Pin 2 (GPIO0_B5)



Pin 4 (GPIO0_B6)



Pin 6



Serial Console Programs

Install GTK-Term

You can install GTK-Term by executing the following command:



Arch Linux

sudo apt update

sudo dnf update

sudo pacman -Syu

sudo apt install gtkterm

sudo dnf install gtkterm

sudo pacman -S gtkterm

Setting up GTK-Term

Run GTK-Term by executing the following command:

sudo gtkterm

Configure GTK-Term

  • To access the configuration settings for GTK-Term, you can follow either of these methods:

    • Click on the Configuration menu and select Port.

    • Press Ctrl+Shift+S.

  • By using either of these methods, you will be able to access the configuration settings in GTK-Term, where you can make adjustments to the port settings for your serial connection.


Note: Ensure that the cable is properly connected to the appropriate serial port on both devices.

Minicom (CLI)

  • Install Minicom:

    • For Linux, we will use Minicom. Install it with:

      sudo apt install minicom
  • Package Names on Different Distributions:



    Arch Linux

    sudo apt update

    sudo dnf update

    sudo pacman -Syu

    sudo apt install minicom

    sudo dnf install minicom

    sudo pacman -S minicom

  • Setting up Minicom:

    • Connect the USB to UART converter to your computer and run the following command to find the port name:

      sudo minicom -s

Select Serial port setup and press Enter.

| Filenames and paths      |
| File transfer protocols  |
| **Serial port setup**    |
| Modem and dialing        |
| Screen and keyboard      |
| Save setup as dfl        |
| Save setup as..          |
| Exit                     |
| Exit from Minicom        |

Change the port name to the one you found in the previous step.

For example, if the port name is /dev/modem, then change it to /dev/ttyUSB0.

| A -    Serial Device      : /dev/ttyUSB0                              |
| B - Lockfile Location     : /var/lock                                 |
| C -   Callin Program      :                                           |
| D -  Callout Program      :                                           |
| E -    Bps/Par/Bits       : 115200 8N1                                |
| F - Hardware Flow Control : Yes                                       |
| G - Software Flow Control : No                                        |
|                                                                       |
|    Change which setting?                                              |
        | Screen and keyboard      |
        | Save setup as dfl        |
        | Save setup as..          |
        | Exit                     |
        | Exit from Minicom        |

Configure baud rate of serial console according to your USB-UART converter.

Configure and Press Enter to save the settings.

+-----------------+---------[Comm Parameters]----------+----------------+
| A -    Serial De|                                    |                |
| B - Lockfile Loc|     Current: 1500000 8N1           |                |
| C -   Callin Pro| Speed            Parity      Data  |                |
| D -  Callout Pro| A: <next>        L: None     S: 5  |                |
| E -    Bps/Par/B| B: <prev>        M: Even     T: 6  |                |
| F - Hardware Flo| C:   9600        N: Odd      U: 7  |                |
| G - Software Flo| D:  38400        O: Mark     V: 8  |                |
|                 | E: 115200        P: Space          |                |
|    Change which |                                    |                |
+-----------------| Stopbits                           |----------------+
        | Screen a| W: 1             Q: 8-N-1          |
        | Save set| X: 2             R: 7-E-1          |
        | Save set|                                    |
        | Exit    |                                    |
        | Exit fro| Choice, or <Enter> to exit?        |

Select Save setup as dfl and press Enter.

| Filenames and paths      |
| File transfer protocols  |
| Serial port setup        |
| Modem and dialing        |
| Screen and keyboard      |
| **Save setup as dfl**    |
| Save setup as..          |
| Exit                     |
| Exit from Minicom        |

Save the settings as a different profile

If you want to save the settings as a different profile, select Save setup as.. and press Enter.

| Filenames and paths      |
| File transfer protocols  |
| Serial port setup        |
| Modem and dialing        |
| Screen and keyboard      |
| Save setup as dfl        |
| **Save setup as..**      |
| Exit                     |
| Exit from Minicom        |

Select Exit and press Enter

| Filenames and paths      |
| File transfer protocols  |
| Serial port setup        |
| Modem and dialing        |
| Screen and keyboard      |
| Save setup as dfl        |
| Save setup as..          |
| **Exit**                 |
| Exit from Minicom        |

On successful configuration, you will see the following screen:

Welcome to minicom 2.8
Compiled on Jan  9 2021, 12:42:45.
Port /dev/ttyUSB0, 16:33:28
Press CTRL-A Z for help on special keys

To exit Minicom, press Ctrl-A followed by X.

Alternatives to Minicom

SSH Tutorial

Windows users refer to

Getting Started with Axon Using SSH

SSH Client installation

This guide will cover the installation of default openssh-server.



Arch Linux

sudo apt update

sudo dnf update

sudo pacman -Syu

sudo apt install openssh-client

sudo dnf install openssh-client

sudo pacman -S openssh

SSH Server installation



Arch Linux

sudo apt update

sudo dnf update

sudo pacman -Syu

sudo apt install openssh-server

sudo dnf install openssh-server

sudo pacman -S openssh

SSH Server Configuration

Enable SSH service to start on boot

sudo systemctl enable ssh

Start SSH service

sudo systemctl start ssh

Check SSH service status

sudo systemctl status ssh


If it is active and running, you should see a active (running) message.

Check SSH service port

sudo netstat -tulpn | grep ssh

Avahi-daemon installation and configuration

You can install Avahi-daemon using the following commands:



Arch Linux

sudo apt update

sudo dnf update

sudo pacman -Syu

sudo apt install avahi-daemon

sudo dnf install avahi-daemon

sudo pacman -S avahi

After the installation, Avahi-daemon should start automatically. If it does not, you can start it manually by running:

sudo systemctl start avahi-daemon

Verify its status by running:

sudo systemctl status avahi-daemon

Access Axon SBC through SSH

you can use either of the following commands:

SSH using the IP address

ssh username@ip_address


Replace “username” with the appropriate username for Axon and “ip_address” with the actual IP address assigned to Axon on the network.

SSH using the PC name (hostname)

ssh username@pc-name.local


Replace “username” with the appropriate username for Axon and “pc-name” with the actual PC name assigned to Axon on the network.