This section explains how to interact with the UART's
device generated on Vaaman via Periplex.
How to Generate UART’s on the Vaaman ?
Create the json file:
To generate
5 UART's
, Your need to create a json file and copy the following content into it.
how to create the json configuration file for periplex, You can check this Usage Guide
{ "uart": [ { "id": 0, "TX": "GPIOT_RXP28", "RX": "GPIOT_RXN28" }, { "id": 1, "TX": "GPIOL_73", "RX": "GPIOL_75" }, { "id": 2, "TX": "GPIOR_173", "RX": "GPIOL_72" }, { "id": 3, "TX": "GPIOR_174", "RX": "GPIOR_178" }, { "id": 4, "TX": "GPIOT_RXN27", "RX": "GPIOR_183" } ], "i2c": [], "gpio": [], "pwm": [], "ws": [], "spi": [], "onewire": [], "can": [], "i2s": [] }
Run the periplex-sync command:
For example, if the JSON configuration for
5 UART's
is stored into thedevice.json
file, theperiplex-sync
command would look like this:
sudo periplex-sync -p device.json
After successfully running of
command, it will ask for the reboot.
Reboot the board:
After rebooting, all configurations have been successfully applied.
You will get the
devices generated through Periplex like this:
vicharak@vicharak:~$ ls /dev autofs i2c-1 mmcblk0p1 stderr tty29 tty53 usbmon0 vcsu block i2c-10 mmcblk0p2 stdin tty3 tty54 usbmon1 vcsu1 btrfs-control i2c-4 mmcblk0p3 stdout tty30 tty55 usbmon2 vcsu2 bus i2c-7 mmcblk0p4 sw_sync tty31 tty56 usbmon3 vcsu3 cec0 i2c-9 mmcblk0p5 tty tty32 tty57 usbmon4 vcsu4 char iep mmcblk0p6 tty0 tty33 tty58 usbmon5 vcsu5 console iio:device0 mmcblk0p7 tty1 tty34 tty59 usbmon6 vcsu6 cpu_dma_latency initctl mmcblk0p8 tty10 tty35 tty6 v4l vcsu7 crypto input mmcblk0rpmb tty11 tty36 tty60 v4l-subdev0 vendor_storage disk kmsg mpp_service tty12 tty37 tty61 v4l-subdev1 vhci dma_heap log mqueue tty13 tty38 tty62 v4l-subdev2 video0 dri loop0 net tty14 tty39 tty63 vcs video1 drm_dp_aux0 loop1 null tty15 tty4 tty7 vcs1 video2 fb0 loop2 periplex tty16 tty40 tty8 vcs2 video3 fd loop3 port tty17 tty41 tty9 vcs3 video4 full loop4 ptmx tty18 tty42 ttyFIQ0 vcs4 video-dec0 fuse loop5 pts tty19 tty43 ttyPERI0 vcs5 video-enc0 gpiochip0 loop6 ram0 tty2 tty44 ttyPERI1 vcs6 watchdog gpiochip1 loop7 random tty20 tty45 ttyPERI2 vcs7 watchdog0 gpiochip2 loop-control rfkill tty21 tty46 ttyPERI3 vcsa zero gpiochip3 mali0 rga tty22 tty47 ttyPERI4 vcsa1 zram0 gpiochip4 mapper rk_cec tty23 tty48 ttyS0 vcsa2 gpiochip5 media0 rtc tty24 tty49 ubi_ctrl vcsa3 hdmi_hdcp1x mem rtc0 tty25 tty5 uhid vcsa4 hugepages mmcblk0 shm tty26 tty50 uinput vcsa5 hwrng mmcblk0boot0 snd tty27 tty51 urandom vcsa6 i2c-0 mmcblk0boot1 spidev0.0 tty28 tty52 usb-ffs vcsa7
How to interact with the generated UART’s ?
The Periplex platform dynamically generates UART
devices, which are accessible through device nodes such as:
These UART interfaces allow seamless communication between the host system and peripheral devices like microcontrollers, sensors, or other serial-based hardware.
Example of using the UART protocol
FTDI USB-to-UART adapter is a popular tool for testing and debugging serial communication, In this setup, we use an FTDI USB-to-UART adapter.The steps below outline how to set up and interact with the generated UART devices.
Connecting the FTDI Adapter
Plug the USB port of FTDI adapter into your your PC.
Verify that the adapter is recognized:
sudo dmesg | grep tty
You should see an entry like:
[ 123.456789] usb 3-5: ch341-uart converter now attached to ttyUSB0
The FTDI adapter typically appears as /dev/ttyUSB0 (or /dev/ttyUSB1 if multiple are connected).
After successfully connecting the USB port, plug the UART port of the FTDI adapter into the GPIO pins of the Vaaman board.
Establishing a Serial Connection
You can use a terminal emulator like
to open a session with a UART device, we useminicom
on both side, to enable UART communication, you need to installminicom
on both the side.Use this command to open
on your PC:
sudo apt-get install minicom sudo minicom -b 115200 -D /dev/ttyUSB0
-b 115200
: Sets the baud rate (adjust according to your device’s specifications).-D /dev/ttyUSB0
: Specifies the UART device to interact with.Use this command to open
on vaaman board:
sudo apt-get install minicom sudo minicom -b 115200 -D /dev/ttyPERI0
After opening minicom on both sides, simply type characters into minicom, and UART communication between Vaaman and your PC will be established using the FTDI USB-to-UART adapter, You can verify communication by typing some characters in the Minicom session open on your Vaaman board and checking if the data appears in the Minicom session open on your PC.
You can refer the MINICOM docs.