Usage guide for Periplex

What is periplex-sync ?

  • periplex-sync is a command-line tool that can be run on the linux terminal. You can run the following command to get help:

    vicharak@vicharak:~$ sudo periplex-sync -h
    Usage: periplex-sync <command> [arguments]
        -h/help                                For help
        -p/path           [Json_file]          Give json file
        -s/status                              Status of periplex
        -v/verbose                             Verbose information
        -a/app            [App name]           Attach applications

How to use periplex-sync ?

Create the json file

  • The periplex-sync command requires a <filename>.json configuration file.

  • <file_name>.json is your .json file defining the peripherals and pin configurations.


  • You can refer this video to know what is json file JSON video.

  • You can refer this documentation for gpio pins name GPIO docs.

  • For example, if you need to configure 3-UARTs and 2-I2Cs devices, you can define the TX and RX pins for UARTs and the SCL and SDA pins for I2Cs like this, For download JSON file

    "uart": [
            "id": 0,
            "TX": "GPIOT_RXP28",
            "RX": "GPIOT_RXN28"
            "id": 1,
            "TX": "GPIOL_73",
            "RX": "GPIOL_75"
            "id": 2,
            "TX": "GPIOR_173",
            "RX": "GPIOL_72"
    "i2c": [
            "id": 3,
            "SCL": "GPIOT_RXP27",
            "SDA": "GPIOT_RXP24"
            "id": 4,
            "SCL": "GPIOL_63",
            "SDA": "GPIOT_RXN24"
    "gpio": [],
    "pwm": [],
    "ws": [],
    "spi": [],
    "onewire": [],
    "can": [],
    "i2s": []


  1. Increase the id parameter by 1 sequentially. Gaps in the id sequence are not allowed.

  2. Duplicate pins are not allowed, for example, each pin (e.g., GPIOT_RXP28) can only be assigned once.

  3. Ensure the JSON file has the following sequence of peripheral’s:

    "uart": [],
    "i2c": [],
    "gpio": [],
    "pwm": [],
    "ws": [],
    "spi": [],
    "onewire": [],
    "can": [],
    "i2s": []
  1. Do not skip any peripherals. If a peripheral is not required, leave the brackets empty for that peripheral.

  • Run the periplex-sync command:

sudo periplex-sync -p <filename>.json
  • When running periplex-sync, you may be prompted to edit the Device Tree Source Overlay (DTS) file.


For non-linux background, DTS reference documentation, see the video: DTS demo.

  • The DTSO file includes specific configuration details that need to be customized for your device.

  • If any issues occur during the process, the error message will display on the screen.

Reboot the board

  • After making changes in the DTSO, a system reboot is required to apply these configurations.

After reboot

  • After rebooting, all configurations have been successfully applied.

  • You got the 3-UARTs and 2-I2Cs devices like this:

    vicharak@vicharak:~$ ls /dev
    block            gpiochip3     mmcblk0       tty0   tty30  tty60        vcs7
    bus              gpiochip4     mmcblk0boot0  tty1   tty31  tty61        vcsa
    char             gpiochip5     mmcblk0boot1  tty2   tty32  tty62        vcsa1
    disk             hdmi_hdcp1x   mmcblk0p1     tty3   tty33  tty63        vcsa2
    dma_heap         hwrng         mmcblk0p2     tty4   tty34  ttyFIQ0      vcsa3
    dri              i2c-0         mmcblk0p3     tty5   tty35  ttyPERI0    vcsa4
    fd               i2c-1         mmcblk0p4     tty6   tty36  ttyPERI1     vcsa5
    hugepages        i2c-4         mmcblk0p5     tty7   tty37  ttyPERI2     vcsa6
    input            i2c-7         mmcblk0p6     tty8   tty38  ttyS0        vcsa7
    mapper           i2c-9         mmcblk0p7     tty9   tty39  ubi_ctrl     vcsu
    mqueue           i2c-10        mmcblk0p8     tty10  tty40  uhid         vcsu1
    net              i2c-11        mmcblk0rpmb   tty11  tty41  uinput       vcsu2
    pts              i2c-12        mpp_service   tty12  tty42  urandom      vcsu3
    shm              iep           null          tty13  tty43  usbmon0      vcsu4
    snd              iio:device0   periplex      tty14  tty44  usbmon1      vcsu5
    usb-ffs          initctl       port          tty15  tty45  usbmon2      vcsu6
    v4l              kmsg          ptmx          tty16  tty46  usbmon3      vcsu7
    autofs           log           ram0          tty17  tty47  usbmon4      vendor_storage
    btrfs-control    loop-control  random        tty18  tty48  usbmon5      vhci
    cec0             loop0         rfkill        tty19  tty49  usbmon6      video-dec0
    console          loop1         rga           tty20  tty50  v4l-subdev0  video-enc0
    cpu_dma_latency  loop2         rk_cec        tty21  tty51  v4l-subdev1  video0
    crypto           loop3         rtc           tty22  tty52  v4l-subdev2  video1
    drm_dp_aux0      loop4         rtc0          tty23  tty53  vcs          video2
    fb0              loop5         spidev0.0     tty24  tty54  vcs1         video3
    full             loop6         stderr        tty25  tty55  vcs2         video4
    fuse             loop7         stdin         tty26  tty56  vcs3         watchdog
    gpiochip0        mali0         stdout        tty27  tty57  vcs4         watchdog0
    gpiochip1        media0        sw_sync       tty28  tty58  vcs5         zero
    gpiochip2        mem           tty           tty29  tty59  vcs6         zram0


For example, you can try diffrent json configurations:

  1. 1-UART, 1-I2C, 1-GPIO, 1-PWM, and 1-SPI:

  • If you need to configure 1-UART, 1-I2C, 1-GPIO, 1-PWM and 1-SPI device, define each peripheral with its specific pins. For SPI, the SLAVE parameter specifies the number of slave devices. If you set SLAVE to 2, you must define both SLAVE-0 and SLAVE-1 pins. If only one slave device is used, set SLAVE to 1 and define only the SLAVE-0 pin.

  • For download JSON file

  1. 26-UARTs, 10-I2Cs, and 12-PWMs:

  • If you need to configure 26-UARTs, 10-I2Cs and 12-PWMs devices, you can define the TX and RX pins for UARTs and the SCL and SDA pins for I2Cs and the PWM pins for PWMs.

  • For download JSON file

  1. 40-UARTs:

  • If you need to configure 40-UARTs devices, you can define the TX and RX pins for UARTs.

  • For download JSON file